Little Dragon White

  • Age: 8-12 years old 
  • 3x/week for 2 hours/day
  • Price: $200/month 
  • Things needed: Swimsuit, shorts/t-shirt over swimsuit, tennis shoes, towel, water bottle, black COM swimsuit for competitions, COM Team Shirt 
  • First step to becoming a competitive diver and following the competitive track of diving 
  • Requirements for the group: 85% of attendance, 85% attendance of Chevron mini prix (dryland and water), 85% of local (home) competitions and attend at least 1 outside competition  
  • This group will re-affirm and improve everything they have learned in previous group. They must master jumps in all directions and all positions 
  • On 3-Meter, divers will master jumps in all directions as well as forward and backward line ups 
  • Divers will begin to learn platform fundamentals and must jump from 5-meter and 7-meter
  • Dryland will consist of modeling for all directional dives and skills for all directional dives on trampoline and platform station (front, back, reverse, and inward)
    • Divers will continue to work on modeling for all directional dives (forward, back, reverse, inward)
    • Divers will progress from headstand to armstand with the help of a wall
    • Divers will work 50% of the time on the trampoline working on drills and skills necessary for all directional dives in the water 
  • Divers can be in this group for 1-3 years depending on progression of skills. Divers in this group are working toward getting a USA Diving Regional List, which may be accomplished in the first year, second year or maybe even the 3rd year.
  • Psychological aspects of this group include: bravery, willingness to try skills and drills, independence, discipline and character. 
  • *If a diver joins this group and they do not develop those necessary characteristics, we will progress them slower or decide to move them to the recreational group as we will always keep the best interest of the diver at hand.
  • Goal 1-Meter List: 
    • JO: 101C, 401C, 201A, 5211A, 102C, 202C 
    • Novice: 100C, 101C, 200A, 200C, 401C 
  • Goal 3-Meter List: 
    • Novice: 100B, 001C, 200C, 101C, 401C 
    • JO: 101C, 401C, 201C, 103C, 5211A, 301C