• Ages: 8-11 Years old
  • 2x/Week for 1.5 hours/day
  • Price: $175/month
  • Things Needed: swimsuit, shorts (over swimsuit), towel, tennis shoes, water bottle 
  • Recreational group & new to the team
  • Requirements for the year (in order to be considered for another group): 80% attendance to weekly practices, Chevron mini prix events, local (home) competitions
  • This group will learn the basics of diving and will consist of 50% dryland and 50% water training 
  • In dryland, divers will work on coordination, balance, diving body positions, basic motor skills and the "unnatural" position of being upside down (practice of headstands) 
    • Divers will learn drills and skills to work on squeezing legs, core, and keeping a proper and safe body position through out all jumps on dryboard and trampoline 
    • Divers will work on line up drills and must complete line ups in the water (1-meter and 3-meter before moving onto competitive skills in dryland) 
    • Once these skills are mastered, divers will work on drills for 101C and 401C (forward and inward) dives. If these are not mastered in dryland, divers will not be permitted to attempt these skills in the water 
  • Divers will learn all basic jumps on the side of the pool, 1-meter, and 3- meter (Straight, tuck, pike in forward position and straight and tuck in back position)
    • Divers must master proper body control, body position, and a level of fearlessness before moving onto more complex skills 
    • Divers will work on basic line up drills and skills on 1-meter. If mastered, the skills will be moved to 3-meter 
    • Divers can then start to learn basic skills to move forward with a novice list 
  • Future Champion Dive List: 
    • 1-Meter: 100A, 100C, 100B, 200A, 200C 
    • 3-Meter: 100A, 100C, 100B, 200A, 200C 
    • 1-Meter Year 2: 100C, 100B, 001B, 200A, 002A
    • 3-Meter Year 2: 100C, 100B, 001B, 001C, 200C 
    • 1-Meter: 100C, 100B, 200C, 101C, 401C 
  • The most important thing to create is a love of the sport and the consistency of coming to practice.  
  • *Please remember this group is a DEVELOPMENTAL group, if some of them excel faster than average, they may learn more basic dives before other divers, but it is better to master the skills and jumps before learning any competitive dives

Little Dragon Red